Honest, Vulnerable, and Bold Conversations (TM)

Religion Episodes

Jan. 13, 2023

When It's Time to Grow - It's Time to Go

When a curious Diann Wingert discovers she was adopted as a child and had to mask her true self to keep her chaotic and violent home safe, she embarks on a journey to unearth her true identity and confront the compelling central conflict of her past.

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Dec. 30, 2022

Parenting Mistakes - Unconditional Love and Fear

(Jaynee part 3 of 3) Listen to Jaynee Part 1: Authenticity, Eating Disorders, and Generational Trauma; Part 2: Comparing vs. Cheering: Our Expectations - Their Self-Worth. --- Jaynee's TedX talk @ BYU - "How to Give Pain a RE...

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